


Exhibition venues-Hubei Science and Technology Museum New
2024-07-04 14:04:53

Project Description:

The new Hubei Science and Technology Museum is located in the central city of Optics Valley, with a total construction area of 72,000 square meters. It mainly includes 3 parts, including the Science and Technology Museum, Dome Cinema, and Landscape Bridge. It has 4 floors above ground and a building height of 51.1 meters. The project dome theater is the largest spherical shell concrete structure in the country, with a spherical shell diameter of 30 meters and a spherical shell thickness of 15 cm, making the construction extremely difficult. The dome immersive cinema has a construction area of about 2000 square meters, which is currently the world's most advanced panoramic aerial cinema.

Application products:

Tuned mass damper

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高雄市| 韩城市| 文水县| 贵定县| 元阳县| 靖安县| 庄浪县| 丹棱县| 稷山县| 东乡| 盐津县| 福安市| 三台县| 达日县| 通道| 柘城县| 同江市| 沭阳县| 聊城市| 邢台县| 色达县| 西和县| 房产| 波密县| 崇文区| 长白| 斗六市| 唐海县| 合川市| 浦江县| 张北县| 乌兰浩特市| 青川县| 郁南县| 饶河县| 尤溪县| 绥芬河市| 中西区| 司法| 宁国市| 湖州市|