


Siyuan Road Tunnel
2024-07-04 11:15:32

 The tunnel length of Nantong Seyuan Road Reconstruction Project is 3220m, and the buried section is 2670m long. The monitoring system adopts the integrated design of construction monitoring and operation monitoring, sharing monitoring hardware and data. This system sets surrounding loads and environment, deformation of main structure, force, etc.10 types of monitoring parameters,514 measuring points, in order to conduct real-time online monitoring, early warning and safety assessment of the tunnel structure during operation.


Siyuan Road Tunnel

峨边| 富阳市| 务川| 宜章县| 同心县| 潼南县| 陕西省| 宜章县| 长海县| 盐池县| 沙湾县| 衢州市| 东海县| 来安县| 通许县| 西充县| 西峡县| 郑州市| 沁水县| 沐川县| 金乡县| 当阳市| 鱼台县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 汝州市| 宝鸡市| 凌云县| 渭源县| 辽中县| 亚东县| 福泉市| 莆田市| 肇庆市| 常宁市| 桂平市| 广丰县| 新津县| 尉氏县| 大英县| 微山县| 平昌县|