


Monitoring system of bridge along the Olympic Games extension highway
2024-07-04 11:41:02

With a total length of about 116 kilometers, Yangao Expressway is the direct high-speed channel between the Yanqing Olympic Games in 2022 and Chongli Olympic Games in Zhangjiakou. There are 5 Bridges and 3 tunnels along the line, and more than 700 monitoring points are distributed, which is a whole-life monitoring system.


The Winter Olympic Games extended along the lofty speed

会泽县| 电白县| 辽宁省| 南投市| 兴宁市| 贡嘎县| 仪征市| 新邵县| 肥东县| 沙湾县| 乡宁县| 柘城县| 扶绥县| 鄱阳县| 工布江达县| 桦甸市| 华池县| 扬中市| 惠安县| 长海县| 稻城县| 富阳市| 响水县| 从化市| 泽普县| 壶关县| 无锡市| 惠东县| 叙永县| 如东县| 天柱县| 本溪| 米泉市| 巴东县| 通渭县| 溆浦县| 东乡县| 梁山县| 南漳县| 商都县| 柳州市|