


Business Building-National Technology Transfer Zhengzhou Center
2024-07-04 14:58:07

Project introduction: The total land area of the National Technology Transfer Zhengzhou Center Project has reached 22531.75m2 and the total construction area is 146494.74m2, of which the above-ground construction area is 104285.01m2, the underground construction area is 42209.73m2, the building base area is 8620.44m2, and the floor area ratio is 4.62. A total of 269 buckling supports were used in the project, including 104 in A zone, 90 in B zone and 75 in C zone. There are seven design values of yield capacity: 650KN, 1800KN, 4000KN, 6000KN, 7000KN, 10000KN, and 12000KN.

Application product: Buckling restraint support

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溆浦县| 黄浦区| 宜川县| 杭州市| 辽阳市| 南投市| 高雄市| 天峻县| 克什克腾旗| 吉安市| 海阳市| 长垣县| 逊克县| 辰溪县| 岳普湖县| 若尔盖县| 汕尾市| 比如县| 抚远县| 高尔夫| 璧山县| 积石山| 青阳县| 武清区| 雷山县| 洛南县| 镇赉县| 龙南县| 汝州市| 宝清县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 磴口县| 区。| 临汾市| 浦城县| 诸城市| 峨山| 安溪县| 鹰潭市| 腾冲县| 嘉祥县|